WebObjects Enterprise...Order Now!
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To build large sites that encapsulate data and applications, you'll want NeXT's top-of-the-line web solution, WebObjects Enterprise. Enterprise incorporates NeXT's exclusive framework for easily integrating web applications with all your data and business logic. In addition to the access you get with Pro, you can plug into Oracle, Sybase, and Informix databases and legacy mainframes. Tie web commerce directly into your order entry systems and fully automate customer services, allowing users to calculate options directly from your records, make secure credit-card purchases, and create and update their own accounts.

You can also use WebObjects Enterprise to integrate internal MIS and other employee applications on an Intranet, eliminating the headaches of Cobol programming, cross-platform development and deployment, software distribution, and maintenance.

When your web application works directly with your sole source of changing data, you don't have to duplicate data for display on the Web or risk your current investment in data storage. And since your applications and business objects are integrated across your Enterprise, you enjoy a flexible business model, realizing huge savings in maintenance. Make changes that ripple instantly through all your applications by editing one object. Add databases without modifying application code or interrupting service. Customers get up-to-the second information, and you enjoy the ultimate business solution, on and off the Web.

All these
Features of

WebObjects Pro...


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WebObjects Enterprise builds on the power of WebObjects Pro to add NeXT's Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF). Most database tools today give you the ability to store and retrieve data, and do logic processing either in the client application or as stored procedures in the database server. The trouble is, these two-tier client-server mechanisms break down quickly when it comes to maintaining or revising your application.

Databases are excellent data stores. They are fast and robust, they support concurrent and selective access and data distribution. But enterprises don't run on just data. Data gets its meaning from associated business practices and policies. For example, a customer credit rating (data) has little meaning separate from the policy that determines credit ratings. And a credit rating is erroneous if it has been computed according to an obsolete policy.

WebObjects Enterprise gives you the power of shared business objects:

WebObjects Enterprise gives you the ability to fuse your policy and data in a layer of business objects, which in turn give you the flexibility to easily update your applications without touching your database server or your client apps. Better still, you can share common business logic between multiple applications, saving you time and money as you build your corporate application suite. Putting the business objects in one place also ensures that only the most up-to-date policies will be used to calculate data for your applications, giving your business applications confidence born of their consistency. And only WebObjects Enterprise combines the power of business objects with an object-oriented application environment for the web.